Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Pennies dont count !

So i opened the piggy bank today to scratch together enough change to buy some new paint. Nothing fancy, just any white paint from the hardware store so i can set up the next canvas, an old dirty door in the cellar id like to use. See, im using what i can, trying not to waste a penny on any thing... yes were broke. So anyway, there i am counting out the small change from the piggy bank... bag up ten euros and head off to Bauhaus, hoping to find some dirt cheap paint.

Anyway, find something for 8,50 and this makes me happy as most two litter tins are like 30 Euro ! proceed to the check out and with slight embarrassment get out my bag of small change, i dont have a problem with it, its money, i dont have a lot and i need some paint so i can continue with my art and maybe one day get a show in a gallery...

So the check out lady, looks at me like im a bum and say.. sorry you cant pay with that !!! Im like, but its only 8,50 in 20cent and 50 cent coins, its not like it a 100 Euro thing im paying for... NO the old bag replies... it kills me it really does.

i begged and pleaded but NO... to much hassle to put the coins in her little box. Cold looks and venom shooting from her eyes... it makes me sad it really does.

Well theres a rant for you. If you've only got pennies, your not good enough ! Well fuck U Bauhaus.

The FAlleN

OK.. here we go again. After two more layers of colour these guys are almost where i want them to be.. will most probably keep playing adding more glazes... but im kind of there. ThE FallEn !

Monday, June 8, 2009

Heavy SHit !

Here we go... i wanted to post up the first in the series of "The Fallen" but i think they are not ready yet... so i will be patient. In the mean time i put up these small things, hard on the ground... down under pressure... part and parcel of The Fallen.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We Love To Kill...

We love to Kill !!! Truth Beautiful Truth !!!
All a bit wild and crazy if you cant get your head round it. Was inspired... if that's the right terminology or shall we say shocked at the invasion of Palestine by Israel a while back.... just so mindless and lust hungry. And we do nothing.... were so desensitized to all this killing.
So i came up with this -

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Someone is watching YOU !

First publication

First publication is in production for an online Art collaberation with HOT FOR ART. A electronic mail out to all... coming soon !

Monday, June 1, 2009


After watching the movie Revolutionary Road twice this weekend, i have to go and drink a Dry Martini now and smoke some cigarettes !
A beautiful movie photographed by Roger Deakins, who is much more interesting than the film, no thats not true, just joking, i thought the film was great, thoroughly depressing and heavy on the head and heart. Wasn't quite sure how it would turn out in the end, had a slight feeling it would go completely psycho at the end... i wont spoil it for you. Great film, check it out.

Galerie Borchert & Schelenz

Popped in today on the way home and saw an interesting peice by GERIT KOGLIN.
A work in progress on site painting stroke sculpture, he has been very cleverly painting and photographing the scene as each day progresses, creating a kind of optical illusion where as the distorted sculptural scructure of the room becomes a true scene of prespective once viewed again through the camera that photgraphs each moment, very nice and very clever, check it out if you can and you may have a chance to be in the painting yourself.