Monday, June 1, 2009


After watching the movie Revolutionary Road twice this weekend, i have to go and drink a Dry Martini now and smoke some cigarettes !
A beautiful movie photographed by Roger Deakins, who is much more interesting than the film, no thats not true, just joking, i thought the film was great, thoroughly depressing and heavy on the head and heart. Wasn't quite sure how it would turn out in the end, had a slight feeling it would go completely psycho at the end... i wont spoil it for you. Great film, check it out.

Galerie Borchert & Schelenz

Popped in today on the way home and saw an interesting peice by GERIT KOGLIN.
A work in progress on site painting stroke sculpture, he has been very cleverly painting and photographing the scene as each day progresses, creating a kind of optical illusion where as the distorted sculptural scructure of the room becomes a true scene of prespective once viewed again through the camera that photgraphs each moment, very nice and very clever, check it out if you can and you may have a chance to be in the painting yourself.